[January 2025] PhD Colloquium done! Joined [Intel Labs] as AI Research Scientist. |
[December 2024] Our paper titled "Integer programming framework for pangenome-based genome inference" is accepted at RECOMB 2025 (acceptance rate 16%). Had a fireside chat with Dr. Heng Li (HMS & DFCI) discussing the future of pangenomics. [Image] |
[November 2024] Preprint on "Accelerating whole-genome alignment in the age of complete genome assemblies". [preprint] [code] |
[October 2024] Preprint on "Integer programming framework for pangenome-based genome inference". [preprint] [code] |
[August 2024] Our research "New algorithms advance genomic equity and personalized medicine" is highlighted by Indian Institute of Science and The Times of India. |
[July 2024] Our work "Haplotype-aware sequence alignment to pangenome graphs" is now online at Genome Research. |
[May 2024] Serving as a PC member for AccMLBio (ICML 2024). |
[April 2024] I will be giving talks at RECOMB-Seq 2024 and RECOMB 2024, both held at MIT, USA. |
[March 2024] Our work on "Accelerating whole-genome alignment using parallel chaining algorithm" is accepted for short talk at RECOMB-Seq 2024. |
[February 2024] Invited talk by IEEE on "Why Use Human Genome Graphs as a Reference? Insights into Scalable Genome Graph Algorithms." [Poster] [Memento] |
[December 2023] Our paper titled "Haplotype-aware Sequence-to-Graph Alignment" is accepted at RECOMB 2024. [Link] |
[November 2023] Preprint on "Haplotype-aware Sequence-to-Graph Alignment". [preprint] Minichain (v1.3) released with support for "Haplotype-aware Sequence-to-Graph Alignment". [Link] |
[August 2023] Received Intel Research Fellowship 2023-24. |
[June 2023] Our paper titled "Co-linear Chaining on General Graphs" is accepted at WABI 2023. |
[May 2023] Released, PanAligner: Long read mapper to a pangenome graph. Link. |
[April 2023] I gave a talk on Sequence to Graph Alignment using Gap-Sensitive Co-Linear Chaining at RECOMB 2023. I presented a poster titled "Minichain: A New Method for Pangenome Graph Construction" at RECOMB-SEQ 2023. I presented my research work on Pangenomes at the EECS 2023 Symposium. |
[March 2023] Received RECOMB 2023 Travel Fellowship. Our poster titled "Minichain: A new method for pangenome graph construction" has been accepted at RECOMB-SEQ 2023. [Link] |
[Feb 2023] Minichain v1.2 released. [Link] Minichain v1.1 released. [Link] |
[Dec 2022] Presented a poster titled "Scaling sequence-to-DAG alignment with parameterized gap-sensitive co-linear chaining algorithms" at HiPC 2022. [Link] |
[Nov 2022] A paper titled "Sequence to graph alignment using gap-sensitive co-linear chaining" is accepted at RECOMB 2023. [Link] |
[Dec 2021] Winner: National HPC Hackthon 2021. [Link] |
[Oct 2021] Benchmarking human whole genome and RNA sequencing using Nvidia Ampere A100 GPUs. [Link] |